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Stark’s Food Polska sp. z o.o. sp.k.  

Starck's Food Polska company decided to respond to market trends and after many years of research, has produced a unique, healthy, fully plant-based mayonnaise Cremajo - mayonnaise like the traditional one, but without eggs.
Strack's Food Poland products are low-fat and egg free, but taste and consistency do not differ from traditional sauces. Cremajo brand cares about the composition of its products, using 100% plant-based ingredients and the highest quality products.
The advantage of this mayonnaise, in addition to its completely vegan composition, is also a lower fat content compared to traditional mayonnaise sauces available on the market. Depending on the type, individual variations of Cremajo contain an average of 20-40% fat. This is much less than in traditional mayonnaise, where the fat percentage is about 70-80%!
The products offered by the company are both ecological, because they are plant-based, and exceptionally tasty. They do not contain eggs, gluten or lactose, which makes them an ideal alternative to traditional sauces for people who struggle with food allergies.


For more details www.starcksfoodpolska.pl