Chef Tarek Ibrahim
Corporate Certified Master Chef Meat & Livestock Australia Egypt

Award winning and internationally renowned chef Tarek Ibrahim developed his passion and respect for food from a young age. Certified Executive Chef by the American Culinary Federation and Global Judge (WACS) and current star of Fatafeat TV shows ‘100 Macaroni’ and ‘Min Misr’ (From Egypt), Chef Tarek’s cooking is influenced and inspired by both eastern and western cultures.

With over 30 years experience both in the United States of America and the Middle East, Tarek has a wealth of knowledge and experience in all aspects of food. Opening his first coffee shop and bakery in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1984 he followed his success by opening five more casual dining restaurants each with a different cuisine.

Following his commercial success, Tarek became a highly respected teacher in culinary art at the Arts Institutes International Minnesota from 1999 to 2005.

Winning several gold and silver medals in highly respected culinary competitions including Taste of Elegance (Central Region), two times Chef Par Excellence Chef Tarek was named the Primer Chef of America not once but twice by the American Dairy Association.

Tarek is currently working as Corporate Chef for Meat and Livestock Australia, providing training sessions to executive chefs and food service professionals on meat handing and cooking methods. Tarek is also one of two trainers to the Egyptian Olympics Team.

Tarek is married to Sharon and has two young children and holds a commercial pilots license.